Ziqi Yang, Jiachen Li, Bingsheng Yao, Xuhai Xu, Nawar Shara, Guodong Gao, Dakuo Wang. 2023. Communication Challenges for Cancer Care and LLM Opportunities. (Work in Progress for CSCW’24)

  • Advisor: Professor Dakuo Wang, Northeastern University

Ziqi Yang, Xuhai Xu, Bingsheng Yao, Shao Zhang, Ethan Rogers, Stephen Intille, Nawar Shara, Guodong (Gordon) Gao, and Dakuo Wang. 2023. Talk2Care: Facilitating Asynchronous Patient- Provider Communication with Large-Language-Model. 1, 1 (October 2023), 32 pages. (Under Review) [PDF] [Video]

  • Advisor: Professor Dakuo Wang, Northeastern University

A Pre-study of The Effects of Empathy and Personality of Chatbots on Increasing The Intention of Chatbot Continuance [PDF]

  • Advisor: Professor Mark Newman, Professor Pedja Klasnja, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Working with PhD student Yuxuan Li at UMSI